8-9 JUNE 2022
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 10th anniversary edition of the Intermodal Transport FORUM FREIGHT 2022 and the accompanying Intermodal Transport Leaders Business Meeting, co-organized by the Europe-North-East International Association (ENEIA) and the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (PUIG), which will take place this year at the Regent Hotel in Warsaw on June 8-9.
The 10th FREIGHT Forum is organized in special circumstances. The war in Ukraine, which has been going on for many days, not only causes human casualties, death and suffering, but also shatters the previous order of the global economy, international production cooperation and destroys laboriously constructed logistic supply chains.
Entrepreneurs will have to face serious challenges caused by military actions in Ukraine and sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus by the Free World countries. Previous problems related to the increase in freight volumes between Asia-Europe-Asia, capacity constraints of operating transport routes and terminals, increasing competition, and the Covid-19 pandemic that lasted for the last two years were easier to solve compared to the current destabilization of the international freight market and disruption of supply chains. Previously adopted transportation strategies and logistics chains need to be re-examined and revised.
In this exceptionally difficult situation, the organizers of the 10th edition of the Forum bring to the debate issues that are extremely important for our contemporary reality, which undoubtedly have a large impact on the stable economic development of our region and the success of production and trade activities of Polish and foreign entrepreneurs.
The growing interest in the Freight Forum over the years is a result of carefully selected topics, the presence of responsible and committed people, including guests from abroad, from countries working to create and operate international transport routes and corridors.
Forum participants will get acquainted with presentations about, among others, transport strategies of countries lying on the important European-Asian transport routes, countries of their potential logistic partners.